I have vague memories about this show, its an anime aired more than a decade ago afterall.
For those who are interested to find out more, hit Google and search for Steel Angel Kurumi, it has 2 seasons in total.
Like every time, I can't wait for Sainte to try it out.
I believe Hotaru and Sainte are both Finlanders and I wish to congratulate Finland for having the growth in Kiguurmi Cosplayers~
Kinda glad that Hotaru will now get a companion to do kigurumi cosplays with. Its so difficult to find kigurumi cosplay companions around.
Hotaru's website can be access from the URL below:
The related forum thread for the Saki mask and costume can be found here:
With the costume, I talked in the forums about some parts which I need to tweak a little before sending.
This costume has so many parts, I can't recall if any of my own costumes came in so many pieces.
If you take a look at the picture on here, there are 12 pieces.
Looks like it will be fun to wear that~
Another update is that I've recently added over 3000 pictures to the gallery section.
Other members have been actively putting their own favourites up, I'm glad for that.
Do drop by the gallery to check out the newly added images, and you're always welcomed to add some pictures of your own.
With the Saki mask out of the way, I'll have more time to work on the new Saya Dark Elf mask as well as other projects.
Until then, take care and hope to see you on the chatbox~^_^