I haven't been able to post the images of the masks I made in January this year because of work related reasons~ >_< I posted some images on those masks, they were yet to be painted, they are all completed now hehe~^_^ Well... I suppose a little glimpse of how they turned out should be fine.

I did not give too much attention to the parts which are covered by the wig that is why the surface area looks a little rougher. Anyways when worn, they look perfectly fine and the roughness is invisible. Helps a little even to make the mask look matt textured~ I made four masks in total in a period of about a month... kinda rush eh hehe... now I kinda know my pace~

I put Asuka's and Winter's wig onto them for trial and took a few shots of them, their dimensions are significantly better than my current Yu's mask. Hehe... not that I ever reveal anything wrong with my current one and ever will~^_^ The overall shape was quite satisfactory for me... but I know if I had more time, I would work more on the surface finishing of the mask. I ran out of lacquer which ought to have done the job of giving it a perfect finishing and I decided that there is just not enough time and money to buy more laccquer >_<. I used some new ideas in the new masks which includes a rounder back of the mask while at the same time having a large enough opening for the head. And I used lycra inside the mask to fasten the mask to the wearer's head. Oh and its my first time making an open mouthed kig mask... hmm hope it turned out fine to you guys. Art is all about luck to get what you want sometimes...hmm

Don't think they will ever appear in use on my website anytime soon. They are commissioned for someone I know hehe... in other words, they don't belong to me now so don't bother asking me to use them hehe ^_^
I expect the current owners to use them sometime in a few month's time... if they do, I'll try to get some pictures to put them on here... till then, stay tuned~^_^

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