I'm sure everyone (almost) will be aware of the olympic games... Congrats to China, US, Australia, Japan etc... for making it to the tops in gold medal counts. My country Singapore took part as well but the participant count isn't as large as... phew have you seen China's... hehe. Well nevertheless, we've secured our own medals and everyone is happy~^_^
Back to the kig, I've got two version of video in this costume... I'll upload the second version shortly. Winter poses with a tray pretending to be a waitress hehe... have to look at the pictures if you want a full body view and my pretty white pumps~^^
The costume comes in 2 main parts. A dress with a seperate petticoat and a removable sleeve. Then of course the gloves and thigh high leggings with sexy black lace at the top. The leggings use garters as well... >_<... I like them so~
I hope you like the video, do tell me what you think ok~
Stay tuned and enjoy~<3
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hello i love your work vary awsome i go by pikachu on a kig and furry chat at rabbitinthemoon.us anyway ill get right to the point been huntig for a place to buy or find out how ot make a kig mask like yours had not hand any luck so if ucan help me drop me a line thank ^_^