At the meantime, I'm also occupied with continuing the second mask production process.
What I'm expecting to be completed with regards to the sculpture are the sanding, lacquering... and if time permits (the lacquer has to dry first) I'll be able to make casts out of it. As usual, I'll probably make 2 casts. I reckon making two masks at the same time is more efficient than just making one. Though if I get orders, I think the more optimal number each time should be 3 or 4. They don't take much additional time... I mean while waiting for one to dry, I can work on a second or third without wasting time at all.
Well, I'm hoping that the mask turns out well, my hands are getting really tired from sculpting two headforms in a month and I spent a bomb getting the resources. If all goes well, I'll get my new character ^_^... secret for now. And the bonus is... I get to sell the extra to any willing buyers. hehe~
I'll continue to post pics of its progress here and discussions will be in the forum. Don't forget to post~^^
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