I think the main part of the blog are mostly completed. A new layout and the new links I needed.
By the way, help me out if you can by polling your screen resolution on the poll on the right. This way, I can best judge what screen size I need to design the page to cater for the most optimum number of people. I personally am using a resolution of 1920x1200~^_^
I'll be occupied with working on the blog for the next day or two. I'll try to touch up the links page. Phew at last its being updated ~>_<... Sorry for the long wait and broken links. It will all become a thing of the past hopefully after I install the realtime updating links system. (if I can find it) >_< post="">>
Phew, took me a whole 5 hours to redo the whole page. I'm using some of the old sub pages in the meantime, but I intend to make most of the pages new in the latest version. It'll be a while longer before all the pages are back to normal. Until then, please stay tuned~^_^
Work work work~...
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There is no 1680x1050 option ;_;
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