Below are some pictures of the dress in making... well by the time I took these pics, the top part and the skirt part has already been finished >_<; All that is left to do in the picture is the pleat the skirt, and then combine the top and bottom together... I really learnt a fair bit on sewing today by doing this hehe~^_^

I decided to use this costume to debut my new mask officially~^_^ The Asuka mask~ This mask will replace the Ignis mask in my products page and I will be renovating the products page shortly too (in a few days time) to facilitate for shoppers to be able to understand and obtain the masks more effectively~^_^
The Asuka mask has evolved from its original headform, the C2, into the Ignis and finally into the Asuka~^_^ Well there can be alot more to experiment with on the shape of the eye. For now, I made the eyes a little narrower and I left it as it is~ Hehe, since its the Asuka mask, I have made plans for a number of her known apparels with this yellow sundress as one of the first~^_^ Asuka has alway been one of my fav chars, I used all I learnt up till now to make this mask >_< The high quality zentai is also helping a lot. Its making the skin texture look softer and at the same time very opaque, if you recall how my former skin toned suit still show some skin @_@...
Being a C2, Ignis descendent, the Asuka mask is the alluring/seductive looking mask model. I made her cheeks more slim and the head slightly smaller compared to the Ignis. She's been on live shows the past couple of days, but this is the first time the mask is used (after the eyes have been adjusted) in pictures. Presenting the Asuka mask, Asuka cosplays in the sundress~^_^

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Your new mask is great Wyu~!! *Cheers* For me, it looks a bit like the t-fa one but slimmer on the side/cheeks. Keep up the great work \^_^/