In fact, I like it just as much as Kampfer(another anime discussed in the forums) but if you want me to rank, its obvious Bakemonogatari is better. Kampfer is a comedy and easy to watch action ecchi anime. Whereas Bakemonogatari is a deep storyline, great character development and have an artsy animation design. Not an ecchi focused anime like Kampfer but almost just as many beautiful ladies~^_^
Today, Hitagi Senjougahara puts on her black and white outing attire~ Its an official costume design as that in the anime. Took not as many pictures but just about enough for two previews, one more to come after this one. I made the costume myself from a basic high waist (pregnant lady look/maternity wear) black dress and attached the white parts myself. Made the heart pendant too~^_^ She wears a white boy short with black leggings underneath which goes all the way up~ When I first saw this attire in the anime, I fell in love with it. It looks so classy, gorgeous and sexy at the same time~^_^ What do you think?
On another issue, some of you may have noticed that I am not very active lately. The truth is, I AM SUPER DUPER BUSY T_T... I started another enterprise and is buried in the managing work which I need to do ^_^: I worked all days last week including weekends and didn't even had proper rest hehe... well... I hope that it will get better soon as the work becomes routine. I'll try my best to make it run as smoothly as I can~^_^
Below are some preview pictures, hehe, tell me how you like it. You can talk in the forums, emsil me or send me a PM~^_^
Hmm I need a yellow handbag... *help* @_@? hehe~
For those who are not sure who this character is:
Anime discussed here:
Image here:

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