Those bosoms are dying for attention, don't you wish to touch them >_< The last update's posts took up the entire blog page~ that's a first. On to today's post. Got more of Aira's pictures ready a few days ago so I thought I'll post them up today. Some of the shots here are of her without the black mini jacket on. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed taking these pictures~^_^
It is nearly the lunar new year and if you have friends or if you yourself is Chinese in upbringing, it will most likely be a week of visiting and family reunions for you. The first day of the lunar new year falls on this Thursday. What plans do you have for this day?
I'll be unavailable until the third week of February for working on and arranging new mask commissions and suit orders. Buyers who have contacted me have their emails stored and I'll get back to you once I return. Might not be able to finalize any orders before March. Is there an event which you wish to attend anytime soon? Please keep me informed. It will take about 8 to 12 weeks to make new masks and order new suits, so do finalise your order as early as conditions permit.
Well, back to packing up my room. I like to see my room neat and tidy in the turn of the new year. Hows does your room look like, are you the tidy sort or you don't see the difference between a mortar shelled house and your cosy abode~^_^;
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When I'm alone, *looks around* eeehh, its not exactly clean. However, when someone is coming over, yes it is very very neat. ^_^