Thank you everyone who visited that night when Yu cosplayed in her two piece race queen outfit.
Sorry everyone for taking so long to come on live again.
I think it was about 3 months since I had a live. I was away and I canceled my internet hehe~
The live was held on stickam and the turnout was better than ever before.
Thankfully one nice person was helping out with keeping order in the room by kicking rude people lol and a baby even joined the live with his dad. Those who were around would know, it was one of the most fun live chats on stickam.

I had another live chat as C2 last night but eeks... i forgot to take any pictures -__-
Wish I had some to post here.
There wasn't as many people as there were on Friday so I ended in just about 4 hours~
Come online more often ok? I wanna have a chat with you after having not done so for so long ^_^
You can look at the clock on the right had side of my page to know what time is it for me and I usually do lives at night~^_^

Oh don't forget to check out the new fanarts added into the forums for the topic which was mentioned earler HERE.
The forum thread which houses a couple of excellent artwork by the artist friends is located HERE.
The pictures they made are really pretty, I'll add them to the fanart gallery soon.
Be sure to check them out~^_^
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