Took time to make these things ~_~
Oh, hmm the white PVC bunny suit seem to be much softer than the black PVC one... The black PVC one being thicker, was less stretchy and thus showing less stretched marks. The white on the other hand was a much thinner material.... not sure why ~_~
So the creases formed a little bit more obvious on it. Hmm or perhaps it is because the white suit is in a colour where creases are more easily spotted. Perhaps either... but honestly, I've sewn the suit into a much small and tigher fitting then the black one already~
Well hehe... maybe C2 just has a smaller body ^^
Yeap and after thinking a little, not sure if its the best option (I do have white fishnets) I chose to use black nylons to give the suit a contrast.
The easter egg C2 is carry is not a prop -__-...
Its a real chocolate easter egg I found... in a store somewhere @_@
Its the largest I can find around town... and indeed its huge isn't it? Its comparable to the size of C2's head. Oh yeah on the box of the egg, it wrote 1KG easter egg ^^
Being hollow and all, its actually qutie a handful to carry. When taking the photoshoot, I tried my best not to let it slip off my zentai clad fingers. It can be so frictionless sometime~ Wouldn't want to drop it or sure it will break.
Okie... now that the two previes are out, I'll take my time to do up the gallery and the videos.
Hopefully I find time from my habit of slacking and actually do up the gallery.
Then back to the question of... what to cosplay next... hmm ^_^??

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