I thought is it about time I made a gallery for Yoko. Took a photohoot yesterday and followed by a short live session. Talking about the live session, it is the second time a baby interacted with me. That is only possible on stickam where viewers are allowed to show their webcam. It is also only possible on Stickam as the public are allowed to join randomly. Being the cutest character so far, Yoko couldn't have been more suitable here. The daddy said that his baby daughter wanted to wave good bye before leaving hehe... she's sooo cute. Ow... that reminds me, I hope I remember to take a screenshot next time.
I wonder if its just my skill or unfamilarity with my new super camera... The last shoot of Yoko was slightly under exposed. And now, this current shoot was slightly over exposed @_@~
Well I did the best I could to touch them up before posting them into the gallery. I'll be more careful the next time~^_^

The Yoko High Priestess gallery is added into the existing High Priestess gallery. Hmm I wonder how many people will not read this message and ask me where the gallery is this time. To simplify things, the latest update picture will link to the High Priestess Gallery.
Oh the Yoko mask is also up for sale. Anyone interested in ordering one from me, please email me directly and visit the mask sale page to read up the details required. Hmm someone was offering to make an order form for the page but I forgot who. I will have to touch up the mask sale page as the Tess and C.C. mask are no longer in production. The Yoko and C2 ver2 mask will take over the open and close mouth models of the masks.

Don't forget to visit the forums and tell me your comments. Let your friends know too hehe ^_^

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