Should have not taken the instructions lightly on the back of the varnish tin "do not use when temperatures below 10 degree celcius and do not use when temperatures are expected to be under 4 degree celcius in the first 4 hours." I think I've broken both rules ...lol. Not sure what did I screw up this time haha... Hopefully, the varnish is not going to stay "undry" permanently or for much longer. I've taken it indoors now.... to keep it warmer and also to try to suffocate the insects and unwelcomed pests with its uber varnish smell.
Hmm actually, after the last 3 days, the smell is already mostly gone... and the brand of varnish I used was supposed to be indoor friendly, meaning that the smell isn't strong to begin with, costlier too @_@. Dang... that means the pests and insects won't plan on moving out.
The white parts on the surface of the mask you see are areas where the fibreglass strands got too thin, its all fixed now, still need to filler them and varnish again lol. Not sure if it is visible in the small photo, but I'll post big ones up later. The surface is kinda rough still, can't get to work on it yet all this time because of the perma-flui-varnish varnish that stays fluid for a long time -__- Really wish to get past this stage quickly, the other parts for the masks and new costumes will be arriving any day now. Is no one else curious on how the T-fa mask will look like? I'm like a little boy now not know what to expect in my christmas present. Don't think I can finish these in time when the costumes arrive, just have to wait a little longer then ^_^ Probably will work on the older galleries and videos like the bunny girl one or the nurse uniform.
Does anyone have experience with varnishing around here? What happens when you break the rule of "do not use when temperatures are expected to be under 4 degree celcius in the first 4 hours". Does the drying agent disappear after that and I'm stuck with a perma-flui-varnish? >_< Hope not.
Btw, I noticed a lot of friends and members visiting the forums but keeping mum. I will really appreciate it if you chat more in there, trying my best to bring up interesting content too~^_^ Please say something and everyone can help make this place more lively okie~^_^
The number of lurkers (I mean anonymous guests) are also seeming to be on the rise, not sure if they are bots (I hope not again) but its kinda nice to know that more people are curious about kigurumi, must be doing something right. Lets all make this community a fun and creative environment for cosplayers and visitors alike~^_^
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