Couldn't wait to test out the T-fa mask although I really wanted to finish off the other masks first.

Well anyway, did a small small preview trial shoot in the T-fa mask today... also meant to test out the mask to see if everything is comfortable and whether anything needs changing. Well apparently there were.... things that I need to improve upon it. Paddings, hair, illusion etc... I've talked about it in the T-fa mask making thread in the forums. Oh the preview images are there to, so take a look if you wanna get a glimpse of it ~^_^
Did a live in the same costume after the small small shoot... did it at a very awkward time... I know it is an awkward time because if more than 3 people asks you why is it at such at awkward time... it must be. awkward time ^_^. Didn't went live for long... was on dialup... maybe the next time @_@
Click on the images of T-fa to access the topic in the forum... or you may already have clicked it and was hoping it to expand into a full sized pic... hehe. Oh would be greeeeaaat if you can tell me what you think... it is still early, anything wrong can be salvaged.
OK, I added another sticky topic to the mask making related category... it is about attaching wigs. Well there are probably several ways to attach wigs onto kigurumi masks as everyone probably had learnt in school, so I'll just explain the way I usually do mine. Its probably gonna be one of the easiest and cheapest way to do it. No need for customised sized wigs, no need to fanciful contraptions... just regular wigs and regular tools. Have a read and tell me what you think ^_^

A little side note. The forum migration has mostly settled down for now I feel. The visitors who turn up at the former forums and went "OMGWTHNOBBQGTHO" is reducing in numbers. There are still a number of missing bodies yet to be recovered... well I guess they will eventually surface one by one over time. I'll leave the former forum alive and running for as long as proboards allow it... I have now idea how long (can anyone tell me?). It is because the proboard's forum is still topping the google search in terms of my forums and I just want to leave it there to guide wandering souls to our new home.~^_^
So, until the next time (which is probably tomorrow) so long.
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