I redesigned both the Live Wear Yu and Ebay mask sale listings hehe. Hopefully they can be honeypots to attract some nice buyers who will buy my artwork ^_^
The picture I attached above is a new banner I made for the mask sale page. Phew, without realising it, I think I have more masks than any other kigurumi cosplay ever... and If I include all the different characters cosplayed, it would be another record ^_^; It has been about 2 years since I started doing kigurumi. There were fun times and there were bored times. Most of the time, I'm busy beyond able to do anything else...lol. Not sure when I'll stop playing with kigurumi cosplay. But for sure, I believe that anything which has a beginning, will have an end. Let's just hope the end is a fruitful one~^_^
Do drop by my PRODUCTS page, originally named "MASK SALE". Thought this might have a more professional sounding tone. Added some special hover image gallery too hehe... simple to implement yet fancy~^_^
My Products Page
If you're interested in taking a look at my Ebay listing... hehe, there are slight changes in wordings there. Click on the link below.
My Ebay mask-sale listing
Have a splendid day everyone.
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You forgot one record, Wyu. You're the only kigurumi artist with an english site who updates on a regular basis(at least 5 or 6 times a month).