Tuesday 6 May 2008

Silver PVC Dress gallery opened~ ^_^

I think I'll not be offering so much previews like I used to. It is because everytime I gave a preview, it made me slack and I ended up putting up the gallery ages later which took away the element of surprise >_<...
So I just opened this gallery, Winter posing around in her new Silver coloured PVC Dress.

She is wearing a pari of sparkling tights, which isn't new if you can remember the gothic lolita preview, Yu wore that before and the pair of sparkling Mary Janes. Got a few hair accessories to tie her hair up, her hair is tied up behind as well but I'm not sure if any picture is showing that. Its ok, nothing very special, just a normal scrunchy rubber band~^_^
Remember to drop by the gallery okie?

Once again I'm going to preach about me entering my busiest of my busiest weeks... yeah this time its really getting busy... probably not even the most busy yet... but it'll just get there as days go by. I'll chat in the forums and MSN whenever I'm free... hope to see you around too~^_^

Post a Facebook comment or post in the traditional comment box below.

1 comment:

  1. This was quite the pleasant surprise, as no previews had been done prior to the opening of the gallery.
    If that indeed works better for you, then awesome.

    The outfit looks quite good though on personally level feels a little plain. Perhaps it's just a look I'm not accustomed to.
    Found the hairstyle interesting since the pigtails were aligned closer to the front. Rather cute and unique.

    So again, awesome work, keep it up.
    Here's hoping your busy days will be kind to you.
