Wednesday 3 August 2011

Half way there~

The new design of the website is up, but there is still more left to do.Seems somehow that there is more work now than before, hehe~^_^;

Everyone who is working on the website are going through a very busy period right now. Yet they still try their best to make some progress in the area of work they are managing.A new links page and video chat page will go live once they are fully tested and working.

In the meantime, I have exported the images from the forums into the standalone gallery. Phew~ the phpBB gallery is huge, there are almost 3000 images there, I'm really glad so many people have been sharing your pictures there all these time.

The new gallery uses the same login as to the forums, you do not need to register for a separate account. At this moment, the images are unsorted as I have just imported them from the forum gallery. Eventually, the forum gallery shall go. I don't think I will be able to sort all the imags in the new gallery myself, if you wish to help, let me know.  The new gallery should be much easier to use than the  improvised attempt by phpBB to make a gallery. There are just too many features and plugins that I want to try to integrate into the forum and gallery which I do not have time to do so myself. If you are comfortable in web authoring, why not send me a message and we'll see how the website can use some of your help~^_^

Quite a few other side work happening at the same time. The costume you see above belongs to Saki from steel angel kurumi.It will go with the Saki mask ordered by Sainte.
But in order to get the costume up to standard, some self modifications are definitely required.
Let's begin the discussion Sainte~^_^
As for the Saki mask, the fibreglass replica has been completed. I will need to start working on that, it will take some time still.

I have been tinkering with the website all this while to get it to working condition.
For now, I can focus on something else since its already operational.

The other work which needs to be done are the dye-ing of the bodysuits. Yes they have arrived, just got them yesterday. Dye-ing them shouldn't take too long, I've done a few today, I will try my best to finish them all tomorrow. The order was closed and production started on the 4th Jul 2011. A month has gone by, thank you everyone for your patience, it will be ready soon.

The new suits have a new feature as well. Some buyers reported to me that due to improper handling, the zipper heads have came off. In the new design, there is a backup zipper head, so if the first one is worn off, a second one is there so you do not have to worry. This is such a good idea, I think we should patent the design lol. Conventional zentais, if you accidentally rip a zipper off its threads, it can be quite a hassle to put it back(nearly impossible). And changing the whole 1m long zipper is out of the question. Nothing of this sort to worry about now~^_^

There is a forum thread that is open for comments and reports on the new website. Since it is somewhat in a BETA stage, problems are bound to exist, if you notice any, do let me know there.
You can also leave a comment in the comment box below~^_^

Do stay tune for new updates~

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