Sunday 2 March 2008

Busy days are never ending~>_<

Phew, the project is finally complete, but other things tend to crop up to keep me away from kigurumi cosplaying.
Its been a while since I updated the website but I have yet to get the gallery ready for uploading @_@
AAAAaaah~ T_T

Another School term is starting this Monday... I forsee that I'll be busier than ever before... in school term times.

Well... I'll just have to take one step at a time and see how things goes then~^_^
I'll check my forums daily so feel free to chat there~

Post a Facebook comment or post in the traditional comment box below.

1 comment:

  1. Finally, your lovely project has been finished. Miss Wyu.
    I have been waiting for your lovely such a long time. I am also a student. I am a student too. I believe that the student life could be taken much time in your life. Sometime I hope that when did you could come back for kigurumi cosplaying. Finally, you come back and I gald to see that your website will be updated as soon as possible.
    I will support your lovely website forever.
