Thursday 13 March 2008

Yu in matt Asuka Langley plugsuit~

This small photoshoot was taken a few days ago during a live chat session. I got another pair of the Asuka Langley plugsuit which is not made of metallic lycra. This version is slightly looser and more comfortable to wear than the metallic version.

This normal lycra version of the plugsuit is not only more comfortable than the metallic lycra version, it is also more durable. The metallic lycra version as people who use them before will know, will lose its lusture if used too often. Friction rubs away the shiny colour on the metallic lycra surfaces and that cannot be avoided. This normal lycra plugsuit is so nice and durable to wear, it can be use as sleeping wear even.

As some of you may observe, the costume isn't complete yet. And that is right, I've not yet made the wrist bands as well as the back pack for this version of the costume. I hope to find time to do so later on, so don't expect this costume to have a gallery just yet.

But with the busy schedule as it is, I can't make promises on when I can take a proper shoot in this version of the Asuka plugsuit. I'm however more keen on having a shoot in the metallic version. As far as looks goes, the metallic version looks better I feel... do you think so?

Keep a lookout for more updates, I'll try to post my kigurumi related activities more often in place of the lack up gallery updates >_<

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1 comment:

  1. Nice, very very nice suit, congratulations, hugs for ya.

