Here are some features which I definitely need for kigurumi phototaking:
-Long timer or intervalometer, for times when I take solo photoshoots. Preferably intervalometer since it automatic takes shots within fixed intervals.
-Rotatable LCD panel.
Thats about it... and the other specs/features have to definitely be better than my current CANON S3 1S otherwise there is no point for me to upgrade. It wouldn't even be an upgrade. Oh yeah... and I need to state if I will take the offer by this Wed/Thu. I'm doing my own research... if anyone thinks they know enough to offer me advice, please contact me~>_<
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I think there is little point upgrading. I used this camera for a while last year. The Canon G series have a better lens so better quality photos. But the latest 'G' series no longer have the swivel swing out screen...