Now I kinda get, why many kigurumi cosplayers on the internet doesn't actually use the "gallery" system. Not all, but more and more nowadays I find just post their picture on their main pages or a small column with very few images. Writing in my blog frequently isn't a problem, but making galleries can take hours from start to end with checks and all.
But still I really like the gallery style so that I can somehow archive my pictures online. In an average shoot, I try to take about 100+ images and then pick half of the nicer ones to be posted. I can't just post 50+ images on my main page, so I guess galleries are still necessary (and fun to use). I used to try and make full galleries consisting a video and omake in the past, but I think I'll just make image galleries from now on. And when I'm free I'll add videos if I have any. Phew~ the videos takes the longest time in the gallery update process... well not like ages kinda long... but its long. I take an average video length of about 4-5 minutes and then cut away the pose shifting scenes, the hair brushing and limping(from aching toes in heels >_<) scenes and then join the better parts from end to end to make 2-3 minutes. Then rendering and then followed by Youtube commenting and uploading... hehe. Almost feels like a uni assignment. Anyway I'll find time to open up the Gothic Lolita Angel gallery soon. Do stay tuned and please remember to write in the forums~^_^
Happy new year everyone, have you made your new year resolutions yet?
May all your new year wishes come true~<3
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